Well, we’re back. No snow, but it’s mighty cold – somewhere between 0° and 5°. The hairs in your nose even freeze.
Saturday night we went to the Casa Carioca – 75 cents cover charge. It’s run by the army too. It’s a very nice night club. We had dinner and then watched the ice show – “Hello Again”. Parts from different venues. ‘Twas very good.
Sunday afternoon we went on an army tour to Oberammergau where we saw the Passion Play theater – open air. The play is produced every 10 years since 1633. The entire cast is taken from the village – no outsiders. One performance lasts 7 hours with 2 hours for lunch. The play is about Holy Week – Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. All natural – no makeup, mikes, etc. Saw some of the many costumes too.
Then went to Linderhof – one of Ludwig’s castles. Smallest but only one completed. Very ornate inside.
Linderhof Castle mirror room
Ettal Monastery – built in 1330 by Ludwig. Brewery is behind it. The original burned in 1770’s and has been rebuilt on original foundations.
Ettal Monastery near Linderhof
February 8, 1954
Well it’s snowing again, and it’s really snowing.
Last Friday Louie Ande and I went to see Moulin Rouge. I was kind of disappointed. Then later Willie and I went down to a Fasching party the policemen had. It was really something. [Wow, what a wild woman! Sounds like she had two dates in one night! That hussy. ;-) ]
Saturday night I went with Willie to the 1st battalion dinner party and then to the dance. They really were grand. Afterwards a gang of us went downtown. We rode with Doc Triete. That was one of the wildest rides I have ever had. It took us forever to get there and back. When we came back through the gate Doc told the guard to check AGO cards because he knew I didn’t have mine. Thank goodness the window wouldn’t work or I’d probably still be in the guard house.
Yesterday I went to June and Tug Tuggle’s for dinner. They had asked Louie too. It sho’ was a mighty fine dinner. We stayed through supper too. I certainly did enjoy it! [Sounds like around this time, Mother was juggling Louie and Daddy. I guess it never hurts to feel like you're a hot commodity!]
February 20, 1954
One night last week I went down to Sara and Ken’s for dinner and spent the night. Thursday night Lock and Tami Ireland asked several of us over for dinner. ‘Twas mighty good.
Last Friday a bunch of us went to see From Here to Eternity. It was a good movie, not like the book.
Saturday night was the Valentine Day dance. I went with Willie and had a grand time. [Yay! Her Valentine's date was with Daddy.]
Sunday we just messed around and looked at my slides. [This reminds me of a trip I took with my friend Shellay and a friend of hers to Daytona Beach. Shellay had a Polaroid camera that had those pictures that came out of the camera and gradually developed into your picture. She took tons of pictures during that trip and it never failed that at night when we got back to the room or during the afternoon when we were laying out at the pool that we would pull out "the pictures" and relive our trip to date. Good times!]
Wednesday Ray Roth’s wife, Janice, came in. We had a party at the Ireland ’s for her.
Then Thursday night Doc and I went down to Sara and Ken’s. He cooked steaks for us and string beans and salad. It was wonderful. Friday night Icke 6’s wife, Ruth LaFond, came in. Went with Willie to their house to a party for her. Byron Whitesides’ wife is supposed to come in tomorrow. If these battalion wives don’t quit coming in! [Sounds like every time a wife came in town, there was a party. I don't think Mother really minded though. ;-)]
This afternoon we played bridge. Then tonight there was an informal dance. Willie Moore, Rick Tuite, Bob Walker and I went. Had a fine time.
This is really a grand place with a wonderful bunch of people.
By the way. Heard that General Cramer died today. He was just down here this week on an inspection. That’s really something.
February 23, 1954
Yesterday Sarah Doughtery, Tami Ireland and I went to Munchen with Doc Treite. Saw the figures come out on the Rathaus. Then we went to the Ratskeller for lunch.
Rathaus in Munchen
Another view of the Rathaus
After lunch we rode around. Also walked around and went window shopping. Saw the Angel of Mercy statue, Koenigsplatz, etc. Went to the Haus Der Kunst (art museum). Then we had dinner at an Italian restaurant – Eremitage. Was wonderful.
Angel of Mercy statue in Munchen
It was a very nice day! Sunday Willie and I went to a party at the La Fond’s for Byron Whitesides and his wife Wilma. Afterwards a gang of us went to the Sonnerhof for dinner. Then we went on down to the Mariandal. Had a very good time.
February 27, 1954
Last night Doc, Willie, and I went down to the Wittlesbach for dinner. I saw something I had never seen before – heaters in beer.
March 4, 1954
Last Saturday was the Fasching party here at the club. I went with Willie and had a grand time. Tami Ireland, Alice Liley, Pat Allen and I went as Lock Ireland ’s harem. Don Allen was the slave boy. We had a wonderful time and caused quite a bit of comment. [No doubt!]
Sunday several of the boys in the BOQ had an open house. It lasted all afternoon and was a fine party.
Last night a bunch of us went down to the Mariandal and the Prince Alfonse. We ended up making roll call.
Tonight Willie, Doc, Bob Walker and I went down to Flo and Bob Wofford’s for dinner. Pat Allen had made spaghetti and it was grand.
This morning there was a USAREUR alert and the buses didn’t get to the school until 10:30. This afternoon we met with Col. Blasé and he told us what to do in case they ever do pull the chain. I am to be on one of the first vehicles out and am supposed to help the driver – classified info. [Not anymore! LOL]
She's going out with Willie more and more..... :-)